What’s going on at the South Church campus? In spite of these challenging times, a lot!

Please note, for now, the building is not open to the public. If you would like to enter, please call Denise Stanley, church Office Manager, and arrange a time for her to let you in. She will be working part-time from the church office in a safe, distanced way. Henry Marroquin, church Sexton, will also be working in the building and on the grounds part time and is currently being updated on all the new cleaning protocols and equipment required every day to keep our building safe for the important missions that operate there.

Community Nursery School and Days of Wonder Childcare Center are preparing to welcome young students back soon. To comply with stringent CDC guidelines, they can only accommodate half as many students as in the past. All adults and kids must have their temperature checked and have completed a wellness questionnaire at the door, every day, in addition to distancing. Cleaning protocols have been raised to a remarkable new level, required every day after the kids have gone home. Yet, Linda Jo, Jennifer and their teaches are determined to provide socialization and learning for their young ones, and support working parents.

The Dobbs Ferry Food Pantry, another important mission at South, has grown by leaps and bounds in recent months. Due to the recent downturn in employment, they now provide nourishment to over 100 families. Volunteers do their best to keep distanced as they serve families in need, all the while following CDC protocols for safety and cleanliness, including temperature checks, etc. Because their operation has grown so much, they have been granted use of the Church Sanctuary for the time being, which allows them to organize food distribution while distancing. If you feel called to support the Pantry, you can click to their website here to donate.

Members of Roots & Wings were active all Summer in their Kitchen Garden at the back of the church, planting, watering, weeding, and harvesting fresh produce to donate to the Food Pantry.

The worship life of the church has moved to Facebook Live, and will remain there at least through the Fall. You can go to the South Presbyterian Church Facebook page, and watch Reverend Drew Paton’s Facebook Live steam of the service at 10am on Sunday, or tune in later to watch a recording. South Church’s talented Music Director, Amir Khosrowpour, has stepped into the challenge of creating virtual choir presentations and engaging the musical talents of South’s members in new ways. Check out the South Presbyterian Church FB page ‘Videos’ to listen in.

Last year, an interfaith coalition raised funds to renovate some of South’s second floor to be a safe house for immigrants fearing deportation. (Immigration authorities traditionally do not come into religious spaces to deport immigrants.) This project is on hold; session may identify a low-impact time when the work can be done (e.g., Easter break.)