Administrative Committee Update

Margery Rossi joined us in April of 2022 and first preached at South on May 1, 2022. Session is so grateful to have Margery here and happy to be working our way through some important fundamental topics and tasks.

We know that many of you in the congregation are also very happy to have Margery with us – we know that because several of you completed surveys offering feedback on the strengths and opportunities for improvement. Huge thank you for completing that work. We combined those comments and the comments and discussion points from Margery’s own self appraisal and had a great discussion about what all has happened at South this past year, and most importantly how we see the future for South as Pastor and the Session and deacons and many members and friends work to continue the strong social justice and deeply beautiful worship services that are a hallmark of our church community. We also see plenty of opportunity for improvements and growth. Session will be coming back to all our members and friends to gather more ideas and to get further guidance on what the whole community finds important and valuable.

As some may remember from the time of her hiring, Pastor Margery Rossi’s contract is annual and renewable. She reports to both the SPC Session and the Hudson River Presbytery through its Committee on Ministry. Her title (by contract) is Interim Pastor. We have often referred to her role as helping us through transition – and you might also hear us say: we hope we will ALWAYS be in transition … because to be otherwise is to be stagnant and that is not healthy! As of this month, we have renewed Margery for another year. And she has also received a compensation increase (approved by Session) that meets the requirements for increase that were recommended by the Hudson River Presbytery committee that oversees Minister compensation.

We also want to remind this church community that Pastor Rossi is not a full-time employee, she works, and is paid for 75% of a full-time position. This is what we can currently afford, and church leaders decided back in 2021 that a 75% position would fulfill our current needs. This means that there is one Sunday per month where Margery does not lead worship. It also means that her availability is not 24/7, and we hope that all of us can be mindful in our communications and scheduling. Note especially that Monday is Margery’s day off.

We expect to come back to the congregation on a regular basis with ideas and requests for involvement and feedback. This place and our work just might extend out another 200 years if we all pitch in and make it happen. If you ever have any specific ideas or feedback, feel free to talk to any session member or your deacon, or, of course, to Pastor Rossi directly. We look forward to hearing from you.

On behalf of session and the Administration Committee:
Patricia Fischer Donohue, Cirstin Conneely, Kris Kliemann